can you talk about what happened in inn din and why then these two reporters were arrested? right, so i think this story that wa lone and kyaw soe oo worked on, it is really important for three main reasons. first of all, it is this painstaking detailed account of the execution of these 10 men who apparently were picked at random by the security forces held overnight at school, and the following day, they were executed step as you said in your material before i came on air, they were shopkeepers, fishermen. two of them were students. and we also were able to meet ,heir families in bangladesh who has since fled to bangladesh. and who told us about them and recognized them on these dramatic pictures before the execution. but apart from this incredibly reconstruction of that execution, what is really striking in white wa lone and kyaw soe oo uncovered is not just the depths, but the breadth of the reporting. the story is not only limited to inn dinn, it also gs the dynamic, the mechanics of this military operation across a wider area. there was reporting from villages several m