back innthee united staaeesto stand trial. if it's p to hii ... somewhere in latin amerrca. and just where ddes russia stann in all offthhsselizabeth washingttns it all ouu frrm was- &p((prann on cam))while edward snowden wwrks to reach one of tte latin amerrccn countries that has offfred him a safe hhrbor of some kind he is now asking russia, tt graat him temporary asyyum..((snowden sot covered by still))snowden: i ask for your aasistance in &prrquesting guuraateee of safe nations i securing mm travel legal travel is permitted.the told rrporrers the government application. and there iss receive politiicllasylum. r to first and foreeost,,snowden must appeal to theefederal migrationnserrices.white ouse spokesmmn jay carney sayss grantinggeven temporrry "run counter" to moscow's wantinggto damage u.s.-russia relations.((sot carney)) platform or mr snowden runs da government's previous - declarationssof rrssiaas neutrrlity. this wwile some lawmakers - such as chairman pommittee miccael mccaullsays the administration needs to be doiig more. ((mccaul sot)) mcccul: i think we shou