her inntial reaation toothe "how could you ask a student to justify prejudice leading to genocide.n po have to do. ii dosee't make sense." the superintendent says she is ssill determining the &pconssquences for the eva braun... the teacher,,./. lose her job.... and liiely --3 goose-steppherrbutt... out oof the builddng forever &p next time ... yoo... want pattonal... 9-- 11... emorial pnd museum .../ it'll... ceeter... which áwasá free... 2--dollars... who reserre passee online... or... over the phooe.../// llvedd-ones... the fee ...vvolates - the meeorial's mission ../ money... o get into a "its anothhr example of them making you know ugh revenue generating tourist attraction free." the pemoriils presidenn... ssys phe fee... is to help support tte sites operaaions..../ victim's ffmilies... áareá exempp... from the fee ... /// butt.. some tourist say... they don'tt ind... the it's... oong tt the site. 3 33 an incceddbbe story off enddd up on a higgway sign.... 25 feet ii the air. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan! i really like your new jetta! and you want t