however two were inresponsive. one was incomplete and one came in after the deadline and as a result they decided to reissue the rfp. on march 3 there were three firms that responded to the rfp. proposals were directed for lump sum of design services, construction fee percentage and construction overhead percentage. proposals were evaluated on a 850 point system and 500 points or 59% weighted for the price of the construction and 41% weighted on the criteria for qualifications, financial strength, experience as well as safety records. for the purpose of determining the proposed price the construction fee percentage and the construction overhead percentage were multiplied by [inaudible] construction costs. southwest specialty contractors scored the highest and the other two firms had less points. >> >> the total cost for the sealing based on the southwest specialty contractors proposal is 26 million and [inaudible] for the construction costs and 4.8 for the describe service and construction see and overhead. the tot