. >> george munoz, if this is inseed a subsidy, that's a compelling argument. >> well, the problem is jason is talking about theory and not practice. the fact is when he's saying that it's costing the taxpayer, it's not costing the taxpayer. when you sell something people will buy on credit. when the buyer is a worthy buy buyer, because the bank has not lost money on it. it has contributed to the u.s. treasury profits from financing these transactions. in fact, our manufacturing operations have gone down in this country because of certain kinds of policies that the u.s. has such as our tax code and this is one of those areas that is helping u.s. be more competitive globally to take this away is really foolhardy because it really is not a subsidy. it's not giving anybody any money. it's going to make sure that the buyer has financing available to buy american products. >> jason johnson, in north carolina, where the speaker of the house, mr. till his tillis, is running. there are two different sides of this question in louisiana. the very, very risky seed of mary landrou, she wants to h