and through the strength of that common goal we have seen things insewer mountable. the finish line is in sight. in a matter of hours we'll win the race and open the new bridge. i'd like to thank the department for all it's support and partnership. the tall oversight committee for its leadership and vision of this stunning new bridge. and believe me it's stunning. but no matter how great that vision and how complete that plan it still has to be executed by people, skilled craftsman and designers from all over the world literally many millions of man-hours to bring together the plans of the designers. to our key supplies who have traveled here from china, from south korea, from japan the japan steelworks and from the uk we welcome you to oakland. it's a privilege to share this moment and we're grateful for our many contributions >> let us be mindful of several other contractors who are responsible for the skyway, the function foundation and such. flatiron west and manson construction and cc myers and california engineers and contractors, silver construction and west b