pettodicallyydrowning her fivee &pbible constantly.for more tha five yyars, ndrea yates has been locked up insideea texasental hospital..but now, her doctors say she'ssmade ssch progress that they'd like to grant her request to aatend church outside the facility congregation has agreed to let her come. lonn before that awful day in 2001, andrea apppared to be a pealthy, happy motherr she homeschooled her children. but in the years leading up to delusional... with each birth, sense when talking with a made - psychologist before her trial.. pndrea: the cartoon &pcharacters were talkin to us pndrea: saying 'hey kidss stop eating so much candy!' before the murders, andrea hhd been hospitaaized four times.. wws on and off anti-psychotic medications . her defenss team claimed she sufferee from severe post partum depression.. she thought she was a bad mother and that her children were doomed to speed eternity in hell. the only way to save them, she thought, was to kill them.and what loving mother would wann their children to burn in hhll?on junee20, 20011 andrea wwited for her husband, rustt yates, to leave for