. -- inska, and the 1980's, saw about half a dozen banks close at hand thousands of people leave in a short amount of time. we have seen what can happen. anchorage's assessed value for the city has essentially been cut in half. this recession, we did not lose any money. no banks failed, the highest unemployment in two decades. now three months have gone by and we have come down 0.6%, going in the right direction. we have had housing prices moving up 14%, which is positive. still, new starts are low. we learned something from the 1980 crash. diversification, focus on job growth, and quick stimulation to get money into the economy, but look long term. here is my question. do any of you agree with the statement that the first thing we need to have is certain to inour debt, tax policy, spending? does anyone disagree with that? ok, let's is approval. the second question -- silence his approval. the second question, do any of you agree that the combination of your idea, short-term and long-term, is what is necessary, does anyone disagree with that? ok, now for your response. i also heard, c