group of republicans like maybe new news and a few others who are kind of a little bit like inspector clouseau here and going down a lot of rabbit holes with a lot of kind of these half baked theories to discredit the f.b.i. and i think it's very harmful to the country very harmful the republican party ultimately consuming the reported of the the president and the porn star. people are wondering how the event jellicoe skins and can continue to support mr trump and tony perkins head of the very conservative christian family research council says a van jelling bills are willing to give trump a do over on bad behavior like that alleged fear as long as he delivers on policy. connie is they have parker see here. yeah i mean look it's certainly bothersome the notion that you would be able to basically i think the interview said in the interview i think mr perkins said that the president gets a mulligan on this one and i you know that's not a slave the way that i see it from a personal behavior point of view but this brings to light larry a very important point which is that for many conservatives th