and free rides for passengers they can entice to carton's to give the subway a try. joining me now is yoga i do win an art show from the institute for transportation and development policy as the report mentioned this has been in the works since the one nine hundred eighty s. it will be another thirty years before we see the next re-align will it. now i want the second face of the mets roar of the marquee it's got an under way so it will be under construction i think the next month. and the government both national and the city government they also get involved with not or you know agencies to just you know to to plan for not even matters of the metro so i mean we'll probably see you know the mix. maybe until twenty thirty then we will still have the construction of the metro but i think all of the face will be completed by you know at the latest is twenty nine twenty thirty well that's certainly good news and i wonder how much pressure this new line really well ease in terms of improving jakarta's famous traffic jams. oh i have to say probably not all men marry life's fairy fairy marginal the issue is that the the metro the. newly built metro only opened for sixteen ki