thank you so much for joining us to share that expertise peter crams now director of the institute for tropical medicine at the university hospital to get. so what does all this need for the business side actually let's bring in steve joining us here from. break down for us i want to talk about you know that the news we've had in the past 24 hours of this you know this 90 percent efficacy vaccine from biotech and pfizer they have a partnership right how how does that work with biotech 1st biotech is a small drug maker out of mines in germany and basically it's owned by a turkish german couple they've had several other patents are their belts they've had a long history 2008 the company was founded and they have a relationship with pfizer they're actually working together on a flu vaccine when the husband. that you had in one ear pieces he does interesting as rotavirus is now taking off we should work on that he phoned up his connections of pfizer and they immediately agreed as well so what this partnership consists of is the technology that him or and there that messenger are in a vehicle that biotech is