information technologies, and the bank syndicate to other non-state actors, criminal actors, and come together and pull apart based upon moments in time. in that world, the quintessential hierarchal institution on the face ofthe planet, and if anybody wants to lay claim to that title during the q&a, i would be happy to find out who you are, because i think we have the market cornered on hierarchy. but we, the quintessential hierarchical organization, have to find ways to be a network ourselves, and that means a network of interagency partners. this point in time, we better pull it off. and we have to partner with a network of countries who are like-minded with us, because it makes that network stronger. it is it not just about outsourcing capabilities. it is about building a stronger network defeat what confronts us. i was in nato, colombia, jordan, and i think that narrative i just described to you on the importance of partners was reinforced for me in those travels. i would be happy to talk with you. building partnerships is not an easy endeavor. in fact, in nato, the 28 of us, the 27 closest north atlantic partners, sitting around in a room for what seemed to be interminable briefings and so forth -- so