methods, according to all of them, and then as an employee at the academy of sciences of the institute of linguisticsthe bssr at the academy of sciences, where he worked, well, in addition, the belarusian state university took an active part in the expeditions, here is the institute of linguistics, the first materials about the expeditions were published in sixty-eighth year , the main main conclusion, which... that is , based on the study of these dialects, they came to the conclusion that the slavs, the first slavs who came to our territory, they settled precisely on this territory, claims that the first , so to speak, where they went from here was the vistula basin, along the gallows, as they call this territory, well, further to the west, to the balkans, and the expeditions continued until 1986, stopping only because of the accident at ... not to put it on a shelf and forget about it. no one has lived here for more than 20 years, but this hut was given to us, and we want to put things in order, arrange it, clean everything, show life, this is the post-war rural life, well, of our residents, the r