group of mentally imbalanced people research was done several years ago with both the institute of neurophysiology and higher nervous activity and the institute for ethnology an anthropology of the russian academy of sciences the buddhist certainly shelly the so-called neo shamans and. were involved in those special experiments you shall months represented and your generation option mannix tradition all in the mix here is a demonstration of an experiment in the presence of a large audience. of these experts start in shamanism represent a number of countries. instruments are attached to the body of the new the body board they will record the state of his blood vessels this is not this cell what all devised in his hand is a special catch up designed by one of our offices doctors from month to month creative act is an act of affectation that is to say he needs to work himself up into a state of ecstasy. after that all processes inside his brain slow down especially those connected with speech in the situation. then the brain begins to function in a fashion which is not characteristic of its normal ac