of calories, there was no need to think about taste, exquisite culinary masterpieces urgently adapted to new conditions. the soviet government took proper nutrition seriously; already in 1920 , the institute of nutritional physiologyvelop a healthy diet taking into account a person’s profession and age. it was there that the famous soviet lunch formula was born. first, second and compote, or jelly, jelly and compote, this sweet couple was invariably present at the distribution of any soviet canteen, from kindergarten to there. no matter what dining room you come to, no matter what time , there will always be compote made from dried fruits, because frozen berries became available very, very recently; back in the eighties there were no free frozen berries on sale. and dried fruits have always been around, if you look at soviet cookbooks, you will be surprised to find jelly in the section of sweet dishes, how come, traditionally russian jelly, it is dense, that is, from time immemorial it has been eaten with spoons, rivers of milk, jelly banks, if done correctly, good jelly with good, say, raspberry sauce, but you can’t drag it away, but traditionally russian... these are cereals jelly, it’s made from oatmeal, what w