institute of theology bgsu. cational institution is this, what basic disciplines does it teach here? this is an institution of higher education, yes, that is, this is an institution where secular disciplines are taught, which are mandatory for many other institutions of higher education, but at the same time, the specificity of our institution is precisely the subject, yes, this is theology, and we teach here to the children, who graduate with a degree in theology and religion. that is, they also study a religious complex of disciplines, and this gives them the opportunity to subsequently find a job for a wide variety of positions, yes, well, simply for the reason that religion, in general, on the one hand, is clearly very localized in some church institutions, yes, that is, that’s what it’s about, yes, this is a church, this is a church , mosque, synagogue, whatever you want, but on the other hand, there are many people who simply live and work in their profession. yes, in general, there are also many issues rel