so the institute of legumes in orel and then the institute of yaninka in krasnodar kabardino-balkaria. now we had a delegation on corn issues. ah, quite extensive work. some are hybrid and some are traditional. let's explain a little to our viewers the difference between the pale variety and the simple variety is different in that the jews use two components. the so-called mother and father components, where the crossing of two hybrids or more. so this is a hybrid, and a variety is one line with which it turns out and what else is a good variety for our conditions for everything else, that is, a simple layman. agricultural workers or those same summer residents , they can get their seeds from the variety and in the future, if they liked this variety , plant them in a greenhouse and use the hybrid there for two or three years , you can’t use it for 2-3 years. why because the hybrid is in the process of meditation, the next year splitting occurs, and it does not give those the positive qualities that the first year gave, that is, the hybrid is the use of seeds of one year, the variety c