bennin to live witn our meanis the only wayo prote the investmes tt wi help erics compete fornewobs instmes in education, ean energy, medal rearch. we protected the investments w ne to winhe future. at the se time, we so made sure that at the e of e day this was aut that -- a date about spending cuts, not social issues ke wen's health and the protection of ourair d wate the are important issues that desee discussion but this not rt of the budget. i would like tothank speaker boehr ansenator rd fo their leadership. a few minutes ago, ias able to sign a tax cut f american famili bause both parties work thrgh their differences and found comn ground. now the sa cooration will ke possiblthe biest spy ending cut in history. now, hopthat we n ce tethe ase face the challenges at lie ahead of us to educating our children an reduci oureficit. -- now,he same coorati will me psible theiggest spending cutn history. th is what the americ peoe expe us do. ieceived a letter froa mother in longmont, colorado. over the yea hison's class ve ttoneynd work on prects so that nteek ey coultake class trip to shino