so what they do is they take out indemnity insurance and say, you know what? liberal anymore, i'm not going to have standards because it's easier for me. i don't want the diversity, equity, inclusion czar down my back, i don't want to refuse to take that loyalty oath, diversity, inclusion, equity oath -- pete: yeah. >> -- and they just take out insurance and say, hey, i'm very hard leftist. and they live, a lot of these faculty members live lives of quiet desperation, they mouth all this stuff and go home and clinch their teeth and say, my god, this stuff is crazy. it's stalinist, but they won't buck it because they know the consequences -- pete: their job would be at stake. >> and these are not ma owe salvo -- mario salvo free speech listists of the '60s -- leftists of the '60s, they're stalinists. peace and love, free speech, they don't believe that. they're determined revolutionaries. pete: well, now i'm depressed. i mean, we knew higher education was liberal. you're saying it's still accelerating, and it's not just harvard, it's ohio state, nebraska, georg