and intelious, if you do a search, intelious will usually come up and that's part of their data model. but these that are secret and unapproachable and unon the outable, those are really trouble. if we were never online or never a member of a loyalty program, what kind of life is, is that? do we have to be in a strange opt out village to have our privacy? i hope not. >> we want to dive into that after the break, your personal information, and habits and preferences, those are worth a lot of money, and who is profiting? we're joined by one man who says that his data was sold by a company he trusted. >> talking about the business of selling your information. the industry is raking it in, $2 billion a year selling information, and why do you think that buying and selling data is such big business? >> it all comes from consumers getting downtowns, and i think people often don't realize that there's no free lunch. they're giving away a piece of information in exchange for some discount or some loyalty program or something, and i think we're entering an age of digital information, and consu