broadband connection may be interlastic, but it might change based on the elasticity. and the final thing i want to talk about was price discrimination. economists think this can be a good thing or a bad thing. it sounds pejoratively bad. but one of the things that the low-income programs that have been these voluntary conditions, in quotes. of mergers have been to provide low-income service. this, to me is a price discrimination tool, that the broadband providers are able to charge a lower price to people who might not otherwise sign up. if this is indeed the way it's working, this is a good thing. you get them and increase quantity and that's the definition of how economists look at discrimination is increasing quantity. and this is a very efficient way of providing low-income service is almost to make it politically good, not just acceptable but politically good to price discriminate. >> i wasn't sure where you were leaded with that sense. if you were to look at, if you were to do a -- i can't think of what it is right now. but if they were to take samples of finger