that's the international civil aviation organisation. korean authorities got have got 30 days to issue a preliminary report. obviously, if there's a safety issue identified early on in the investigation, they would notify the manufacturer and all airlines of the safety issue that was found. also, the air traffic control people will be involved in this as well, as part of the investigation. and, uh, and, geoffrey, of course, we understand a crash like this is rare, as you were talking about a little earlier, but how does an incident like this reverberate through the industry, but also in the region where you are? look, yes, it fortunately, these sorts of tragedies are rare. although 40% of fatalities in aviation today are the result of um, runway, uh, landing problems and runway overruns running into a brick wall, for instance, or running into a ditch at the end of a runway because the runway isn't it isn't the required length or the the overrun at the end of the runway isn't to international standards. so the landing accidents are the bi