quality and cost of connections for those lucky ones vary widely in escrow and the international telecommunications union and pushing for universal internet coverage for the continent according to their report africa would need a $100000000000.00 injection over the next decade that require governments and telecom industries and institutions and developmental finance pot as working together to bring together those funds more than half the funds would have to flow into network operations and maintenance another large chunk into infrastructure and 800000000000 set aside foster information and communications technology skills. let's talk about this with moses acquire he's an expert on the tech sector in africa i mention the figures just earlier this idea of a 10 percent boost of internet coverage in africa what sort of effect would that have on economic growth for african nations so what we see is that at the moment we have almost 11 percent of africans in terms of the users of internet it's globally 11 percent of users are actually from africa and tell you 3 percent of people that i actually use an internet