or it ago yet another thousand meals still and she also complained sio inform the monetary internationale marcum points he or. but you told me they're ok or to other c.e.o.'s or a lot known car for this or the national look what i told them it didn't want to laugh a little foreigner wanted that international scene ok i want to impress upon you i can see a marked our own up again a corporate at the york on but the wimpole your fiancee are here for the moment are internationally known craven are to the owner where the opera when the call and press areas. the end is here the human we love political handsome they lost it's war on challenge it doesn't say only care as yes i thin or because the i am what kerry went by ilmu though i had a power conscientious i thought about it when mondo e-mail going across young well we haven't had long hair order on him pointed us and i include the end a little funny you see a lot of milo what i had craig cantante it was our last here literally million key elodea here in the pattern here an attack on a lover for sally some of us have said oh yeah no i am i got a free