we provide free software for companies and our certified service provider system will provide for free to small internet retailer collection and remission services. in many ways, the internet is the perfect environment in which to collect sales tax. it is something that can be automated. any small-business exemption for small internet retailers were further discriminates against the local small brick and mortar businesses who do not receive the exemption. with the free collection service offered by streamlined, the receipt burden is removed. the only burden is the price disadvantage placed on local retailers. is this a tax increase? the paying a tax you previously but have not been paying is not a tax increase. if he refused to pay a tax already owed, for example federal income tax, that would be attacked the creeps. none of us elected officials who have sworn to uphold -- that would be a tax increase. we are not likely to run a campaign on the platform of don't pay your taxes and get a tax increase. asking one retailer to collect without asking the same of all retailers does not seem like equal protect