insidious, i can get my fingers on this but yet again we reproduce racism and outcome, and are hiring interpublic base. it is a smile on the face, it's the gas lighting, the denying. >> in the book you make a distinction between shame and guilt talk a littlee bit about the. >> and just the version guilt is generally what you feel about have done and feel responsible for in shame is something that you feel you inherently are, just as i did that in shame is i am bad. my area is the analysis and language is political language is not objective and not neutral in language shapes perception. i'm very concerned how we frame the conversations and how we position ourselves in conversations and i noticed that white progressives that would voluntarily attend to watch a video like this will talk about feeling shame and i don't know what to do but not guilt. as a sociologist i think patterns are on the insight and how does it function, it's like you're guilty and i'm responsible for something and a repetitive action would be to somehow address what i have done, if i feel shame i'm just bad and there's nothing