she praised him, he helped divest time warner from interscope records in the day, interscope records did a lot of gangsta rap, she talked about in quotation marks because it is filthy and wrong and we can't have. that she combines the worst of our dominant political tendencies when she talks about the media. john: she supported the telecommunications act which would have jailed people for pornography. >> yes, two years, if you are a parent of a kid and the kid happens to access pornography, you could go to the jail, that was struck down by the supreme court. john: it astonishes me that we had big campaigns against sex and violent video games and now, they're everywhere, with the internet, you can't stop it. the social consequences are zero. rape is down, violence is down, and people move onto the next thing. all you people who wanted to ban things are wrong. >> they're wrong about the evidence. as first lady in books and speech ethe evidence is in, we know kids are becoming more violent. she called them as programmable little vcr's, they absorb the content and commit acts of violence