that's why the vulcans initiated the interspecies medical exchange. there's a lot to be learned. i'm sorry to take you away from your program please, no apologies. what better time to study human beings than when they're under pressure? it's a rare opportunity, and your klingon friend-- i've never had the chance to examine a living one before. ensign mayweather tells me that we'll be to kronos in about 80 hours. any chance he'll be conscious by then? there's a chance he'll be conscious within the next ten minutes... just not a very good one. he doesn't stand much of a chance. i'll do the best i c c. optimism, captain! you're upside down, ensign. yes, sir. care to explain why? every ship's got one. sweet spot? it's usually about halfway between the grav-generator of the hatch. and the bow plate. no, no, no, on either side. now push off. push off. wow. it takes practice. you ever slept in zero g? slept? it's just like being back in the womb. the captain tells me you've been to trillius prime. it took fourth, fifth, and sixth grades to get there. i've also been to draylax and both t