. -- went intotate, real estate, to be six months to real estate. at the age of 27 euros old, with my student loans coming due, i was living out of my car, sleeping on friends couches, but i got a third chance. i got told about this new idea called cello for -- cellular telephones. my classmates were saying to me, go get a real job. he is going to one a car phone? they are still practicing law. [laughter] that means having started nextel, i'm the only speaker that you will ever have that says even when i'm speaking, leave your cell phones on. [applause] , you hear theff annoying sound. i hear chaching. been a white guy with the right education, i might not have gotten that third shot. the one thing that we should make sure is possible in america is we can't guarantee you success, but everybody in america ought to be guaranteed a fair shot. that means the ability to fail as well. go out there and strive for that. [applause] lesson number two. beyond that responsibility to yourself, you also have a responsibility to your humanity and your country, and