everything he voted for were law mitt romney's sons wouldn't have their kids because he is against inveto fertilization yeah, it would outlaw some forms of contraception along with invitro, and it's crazy radical right-wing. >> well, in 1950 they called it rock and roll. [ laughter ] >> stephanie: and -- and that's what they are doing. this argument was decided -- literally decided -- what 50 years ago? and they are still arguing about it? it doesn't make sense. it's like i'm saying they have stale arguments, and at some time you keep rolling it out enough, it can be the greatest idea in the world, but at some point in time it's going to get stale. >> stephanie: yep. i read a piece about a far right independent bid for president could tip virginia into virtual good. >> it's gude. you have to hear him talk like that. he has been all over the place. he used to be a democrat and then he screwed up and became a republican, and now he is screwing the republicans, but i'll tell you the kind of guy he is, and the stock he comes from. his daddy was a congressman down in the fifth district that's a very country