reporter now, ioanna kapatou is : getting worried. negotiations with creditors have broken down, the lines at the banks are growing, and the greek economy is edging toward collapse. ioanna: in january, i knew that there would be a worse time to come, ok? i didn't know it would be under this sort of form and everything. but, you know, everyone knew that this wasn't the bottom - - there was still a lot more, you know, to go through. so i did expect, you know, that we would have a lot more of, you know, the crisis in our country; i just didn't know it would be in this shape and form. reporter the tsipras government : is caught between creditors' and voters' expections. pavlos paliakis, too, had high hopes that the new government would get things under control. pavlos: during their election campaign, they said they'd repeal the tax increases from the past few years. so, of course, lots of people voted for alexis tsipras and syriza. of course they would! they were hoping that, after all the years of extreme budget cuts, everything would cha