but at some point we needed other communication, so ipc was also great. we had two ipc. you had ipc for interpersonal communication. so with the multiple communication channels, ipc played a critical role. you cannot go on the radio if somebody lost their loved one from ebola and say you are a contact, you have to remain quarantined for 21 days so that you get the follow-up. you need to go to them first of all, show your solidarity, give psycho social support to them. so ipc was very, very much critical in the communication camp. and when communities after they got the information, they did find their own tax forces so there were tax forces all around the place from one community to another community and people were going from house to house telling others about what the disease is and all that. so multiple communication channels, printings of flyers, getting information to health care workers, printing of posters, community engagement, town hall meetings, focus group discussions, all of those took place. but what is critical is the community ownership is very, very much