the ippc reportjust published in the state of climate change globally suggest we need something like times the level of investment we currently have to get on track for net zero, but if you take the us $369 billion committed under the inflation reduction act alongside a couple of other pieces of legislation with money attached, may be as much as $500 billion, that is an absolute step change in investment. it will help put the us a lot closer to getting on track for its current emissions targets and also will leverage considerably more investment. that 500 billion could leverage something like 1.2 trillion in private investment on top of that. what we are seeing is this big blocs coming together. the us, eu, china is doing its own thing way out front. i wonder where it leaves other smaller players, including in that the uk. it has left the european union. where does it leave anyone who maybe doesn't have as deep pockets? overall, it puts us globally in a very good situation. got some of the biggest economies on the planet competing to fund the clean transition that the science is very