Mar 25, 2014
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the blockage is at the ip level which means you cannot reach those particular ip addresses that belongter from inside the country. >> what do you mean by the ip level? i understand it was blocked on thursday and friday, but something different happened. what does that mean and what do you imagine the government's involvement is? >> we makes network performance management tools for the internet. towards that end, we saw a lot of the same things that consumers on the ground would've seen. initially, it was simply a block of the name "twitter.com." it was not the real twitter.com machine, it was a government machine. as people figured out how to work around it by reconfiguring the devices to use public dns, like google's public dns. something had happened differently and sure enough about 24 hours later, additional blocks were put into place so that even the ip addresses belonging to twitter, the numbers that are used to uniquely identify their servers in california also became unreachable. >> andrew, what are people doing now? are they just using vpns? twitter is more popular days into t
the blockage is at the ip level which means you cannot reach those particular ip addresses that belongter from inside the country. >> what do you mean by the ip level? i understand it was blocked on thursday and friday, but something different happened. what does that mean and what do you imagine the government's involvement is? >> we makes network performance management tools for the internet. towards that end, we saw a lot of the same things that consumers on the ground would've...
Mar 24, 2014
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ip level?erstand it was blocked on thursday and friday but it was still easier to access ban on saturday. -- still easier to access. then on saturday something different happened. >> we make measure networking tools for the internet. we have measurement coins in the city. see a lot ofend we the same things the consumers on the ground would have seen in initially it was a block of the name letter.com. that name resolved when addressed. it was a government machine. figurede on the ground out how to work this by reconfiguring their devices to google'sc dns, like public dns, something clearly had to happen. to 36 hoursabout 24 later additional blocks were put into place so that even the ip addresses belonging to twitter, the numbers that are used to identify their service in california became unreachable. >> what are people doing now? are they just using vpn c echo twitter is more popular -- vpns? twitter is more popular than it was day before. >> there were about 10 million users and the twitter t
ip level?erstand it was blocked on thursday and friday but it was still easier to access ban on saturday. -- still easier to access. then on saturday something different happened. >> we make measure networking tools for the internet. we have measurement coins in the city. see a lot ofend we the same things the consumers on the ground would have seen in initially it was a block of the name letter.com. that name resolved when addressed. it was a government machine. figurede on the ground...
Mar 3, 2014
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ip. i would like to thank all of you for coming, and our distinguished guests. we also want to thank our panelists for this first panel which is titled "the united states and afghanistan, the longview. view.the long -- the longview." given policy relations of late, there is lots of focus on the security transition and the upcoming political transition in 2014 in particular. i do think in terms of the current discourse in washington, talking about life beyond 2014 is taking a long view. i think that one of the objectives for today is to try to look at future relations between the u.s. and pakistan beyond 2014. there is a longer-term interest in this relationship. i think it is also important that we have a balanced and realistic view in this relationship. that was -- just what we heard from ambassador dobbins, talking about many of the gains, but acknowledging that there are very real challenges. i am hoping that all the media here today do not just focus on the challenges, but also focus on some of the tremendous gains. i think that is one of the real challenges
ip. i would like to thank all of you for coming, and our distinguished guests. we also want to thank our panelists for this first panel which is titled "the united states and afghanistan, the longview. view.the long -- the longview." given policy relations of late, there is lots of focus on the security transition and the upcoming political transition in 2014 in particular. i do think in terms of the current discourse in washington, talking about life beyond 2014 is taking a long...
Mar 9, 2014
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>> the erped ip come tax credit encourages people to work. by focusing on this category of people, by extending from 25 year olds down to 21 year olds you are getting a key group of people that we want to encourage to be in the workforce. is it fair to say that providing america with a raise that i believe is supported in the budget would also help turn the economy around and move it forward? >> we believe it is an important part of the picture. >> thank you, i yield back. >> thank you. mr. chairman. thank you, for being here. we talk a lot about problems with guaranteed benefits in our entitlement program. you referenced your experience as being on a board of directors. the independent kcaters tell us in terms of congress taking the efforts in terms of reallocation of the trust at the same time taking some of the steps that we believe that work to improve the lift of the trust. is that outlined in the budget plan? >> in terms of the changes, there are two specific changes that gets to the issue that i think is a concern to all of us. those w
>> the erped ip come tax credit encourages people to work. by focusing on this category of people, by extending from 25 year olds down to 21 year olds you are getting a key group of people that we want to encourage to be in the workforce. is it fair to say that providing america with a raise that i believe is supported in the budget would also help turn the economy around and move it forward? >> we believe it is an important part of the picture. >> thank you, i yield back....
Mar 11, 2014
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i@e h@ppp@@@e c@mp@@@ @@@ @'@ @@@e t@d@ppo t@@@ piph p@m@ @d p@@@phlp@pa@@@ pdpp@s@lpa@i@@@@@@tp ph@ip@p@p@@pe@d a@c@ppa@@@@i@d i@ppp@@@e @@ @p@py@l@,@ ph@u@@p @t @ @@ @lpepepñhdñ@ñ t odp?d[lo ólw@ñ@ñ@ñ@ñ ph@p x@up @upp@m@pp p@p@@@ @@@@ o@ ph@ ph@l@pph@x l@h@ @@pp@@@u@ @l@o@@@@ p@l@ pph@l@ @i@e i@ppp@@@d ph@'p @@@@@ @p@pp?8< t@h@(@p p dp@p@@p@d@ @@@ep@@@@d@op p@@p@e op@p @@@ 00 0< t@@p @@@ p @@p@po t@@@ @ p@p@@c@@@p @@ppep @@p @@@@ph qp@pp@o@p 08 a@@ hp @@p@p ph@lp@@@@ @d l@l@@@@t@l@ ph@p t@@@p d@@@lp@ñ@@ñ@ñ@ñt5t- phÑp>polu ml[tz@n@w@ñ@ñ@@@@@ñ@@ñ ph h@h@ @hp@@ @p@@p@@ @lpp@ 0< a@@ oph@p d@l@@ epp@lp@p 0< dpd@@ p@i@@ @@@ ph@p p p@l@p@@@@@t@pp@@dp @@@dp po p@a@ @o@,@sp@@i@@@x i@ ph@p e@o@@@p < h@ @o@pp @tpp 0 a l@lphp@p p@@p 8> y@p @@@ ph@p p@p@@@p@p @@@p up 0< a@@ t@@@p a@t@p@@@@@p@@ @@@s @@w@@@@@pp@ @d t@@@p a@@ 0< t@@x>@yl>dut@ñ@ñt5t5t-t-ppwpm@odothopuplçd@ñ@ñ@ñ @p a p@i@e t@@p @ips@lpl t@@@p @p@@@p,0< @@ p@p pa@@ t@ @@@pp@@t@cp p@p@ l@t@d l@@p@p@m p@@ @@@@@@@d d@l@@ epp@l@@p0@d y@u p@ @@pt@d@ 0 a@@ 8 p@p p@@u@d c@@@@o@o@@@@ p@h@ @@p,@op @p@@ $0 00 a h@lph p@p t@@@,p@p @a@ @@p pu@@@tp
i@e h@ppp@@@e c@mp@@@ @@@ @'@ @@@e t@d@ppo t@@@ piph p@m@ @d p@@@phlp@pa@@@ pdpp@s@lpa@i@@@@@@tp ph@ip@p@p@@pe@d a@c@ppa@@@@i@d i@ppp@@@e @@ @p@py@l@,@ ph@u@@p @t @ @@ @lpepepñhdñ@ñ t odp?d[lo ólw@ñ@ñ@ñ@ñ ph@p x@up @upp@m@pp p@p@@@ @@@@ o@ ph@ ph@l@pph@x l@h@ @@pp@@@u@ @l@o@@@@ p@l@ pph@l@ @i@e i@ppp@@@d ph@'p @@@@@ @p@pp?8< t@h@(@p p dp@p@@p@d@ @@@ep@@@@d@op p@@p@e op@p @@@ 00 0< t@@p @@@ p @@p@po t@@@ @ p@p@@c@@@p @@ppep @@p @@@@ph qp@pp@o@p 08 a@@ hp @@p@p ph@lp@@@@ @d...
Mar 25, 2014
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vogelson 4 ip, 8 hits, 4 carreras...era base ellmore 1-2 add lib notes tercera base ellmore 1-2 con una remocada.. hooker y savery otorgaron 5 carreras.. jf on chroma tag-out ---por el momento esto es todo en la informacion deportiva,,, para las once... ---blanca - cesar adelante... cesar ---hoy a las once.. take half slab ---detienen a un hombre bajo cargos de aterrorizar en varias ocasiones a los residentes de una ciudad, enterese como reveal 2 ---regresa a chicago la activista que vivi un aÑo en una iglesia para tratar de evitar su deportacin reveal 3 ---toman una importante decision sobre el futuro de una tubera de gas considerada insegura en la peninsula ---esto y mas en vivo a las once. take vo cesar --la federacion jalisco internacional realizo este fin de semana su toma de protesta en las instalaciones del consulado mexicano en san jose. --en este evento, la organizacion present a sus nuevos integrantes ademas dio a conocer las metas que la federacion implementar para este aÑo. anchor gracias por acompanarnos , l
vogelson 4 ip, 8 hits, 4 carreras...era base ellmore 1-2 add lib notes tercera base ellmore 1-2 con una remocada.. hooker y savery otorgaron 5 carreras.. jf on chroma tag-out ---por el momento esto es todo en la informacion deportiva,,, para las once... ---blanca - cesar adelante... cesar ---hoy a las once.. take half slab ---detienen a un hombre bajo cargos de aterrorizar en varias ocasiones a los residentes de una ciudad, enterese como reveal 2 ---regresa a chicago la activista que vivi un...
Mar 22, 2014
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>> i think it is the ip transition.nd it's not just because the fcc is challenged with navigating the technological change successfully. i think it really tees up a larger question for the agency, the ip transition really challenges the agency to modernize its entire approach to regulation. awarek we are all pretty of how dramatic the changes in the industry have been in the past decade. encouraged that chairman wheeler and the commission have decided to tackle this pretty immediately after he assumed the job, in fact. and i think tom wheeler is the kind of guy that i think understands the challenge and the difficulty of altering the culture and the approach of an agency. i think that is the biggest challenge that they have, really bringing the fcc into the 21st-century and updating its entire approach to match the realities of the marketplace. you, jim. considering its 2014, and probably not too much to ask that they get up to speed in the 21st century. steve? >> randy, i have to say, after that introduction, my stock
>> i think it is the ip transition.nd it's not just because the fcc is challenged with navigating the technological change successfully. i think it really tees up a larger question for the agency, the ip transition really challenges the agency to modernize its entire approach to regulation. awarek we are all pretty of how dramatic the changes in the industry have been in the past decade. encouraged that chairman wheeler and the commission have decided to tackle this pretty immediately...
Mar 18, 2014
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within a week of getting into the job, the chairman took up the ip transition petitioned that we have filed, you know, over a year earlier, and just been sitting there and vowed to act on it and did the first subsequent meeting they had. i think that's really encouraging to see at the agency but it's really a refreshing approach. i'm sure by the end of the i will find some things that will trouble me, but so far at least in the month has been the i haven't seen anything. >> all right. james, you want to comment? >> i would just echo what jim said. personnel i think is one of the things that you notice he really has adopted, some of the best talent that i know of to try and work through a lot of these issues. and he's brought i think a sense of boldness and decisiveness. i think he very clearly knows what he wants to accomplish and then set about accomplishing it. i also think it's been very refreshing, you know, tom has used obviously blogs i've been to relay some of come and we've seen this in a lot of his speeches of regulatory philosophy. he's talked a lot about the seesaw and the
within a week of getting into the job, the chairman took up the ip transition petitioned that we have filed, you know, over a year earlier, and just been sitting there and vowed to act on it and did the first subsequent meeting they had. i think that's really encouraging to see at the agency but it's really a refreshing approach. i'm sure by the end of the i will find some things that will trouble me, but so far at least in the month has been the i haven't seen anything. >> all right....
Mar 20, 2014
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and that brings me to the ip transition proceeding for our c-span audience. ip stands for internet protocol transition and that's another way of saying the services have moved in my view quite rapidly although it's been occurring for a long time from the analog world to the digital world in which is the old saying goes a bit is a bit is a bit. so what is your view of current current -- currently where the commission's stance on the ip transition preceding? i know it took about 13 or 14 months or whatever between when at&t initially initiated the proceeding and further movement on the proceeding and now the commission is embarking upon trials. if you can just be as specific as you can about where you think things stand and where you would like to see them go and in what timeframe. >> i can't comment on why anything was delayed under the previous commission. i have only been at the commission for four months but the chairman made this a priority and i commend him for doing so. i'm in support of the trials and we were able to quickly put together a proceeding to
and that brings me to the ip transition proceeding for our c-span audience. ip stands for internet protocol transition and that's another way of saying the services have moved in my view quite rapidly although it's been occurring for a long time from the analog world to the digital world in which is the old saying goes a bit is a bit is a bit. so what is your view of current current -- currently where the commission's stance on the ip transition preceding? i know it took about 13 or 14 months...
Mar 15, 2014
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>> the department of commence deals out all of the ip addresses to allow access to the internet and nowma is ceding that authority to the international body. there was talk in 2010 and i detailed the facts behind the decision and now we are coming to a point where the obama administration basically said they will let the international body which we will be a part of have a say who gets the name and ip addresses. >> why are they doing it in and people are telling them, why is the administration doing this? >> it is part of the opposement and pandering from the president. he decided he would take the step and now he made the decision to do it and it is appeasing the international community and there is no evidence at all we have denied people access to the internet. and you pointed out it was developed by our government and we gave it to the world. and never alleged that the united states denied access. on the contrary. country and russia and cuba, they are soaking to have a say in who gets access. it is dangerous for america and shouldn't happen and we should control it. >> is it any way
>> the department of commence deals out all of the ip addresses to allow access to the internet and nowma is ceding that authority to the international body. there was talk in 2010 and i detailed the facts behind the decision and now we are coming to a point where the obama administration basically said they will let the international body which we will be a part of have a say who gets the name and ip addresses. >> why are they doing it in and people are telling them, why is the...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 2, 2014
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i commend you for all your hard work and so glad you are being honored today so congratulations >> ip want to thank supervisor wiener and bree for her kind remarks. i ptd to thank you the board of supervisors for doing this honor of black history. i know we [inaudible] there are so many african americas here doing the service and living their lives in the city and county of san francisco and i think it is important to recognize people in this chamber where the public and see and know what goes on [inaudible] the media only [inaudible] it is nice when you have a forum to recognize people doing great deeds. i want to thank all the other honorees and acknowledge the great work they are doing. it is a honor [inaudible] i'm sorry more people are not hear so they can hear these comments, but thank you for this time and sirfbs and have a great rest of your meeting. >> picture time, gwenith. well, this wraps up the black history month celebration here at the board chamber for 2014, but this continues on to tomorrow. supervisor-i'm doing what others do. calling you me. supervisor co00 and i de
i commend you for all your hard work and so glad you are being honored today so congratulations >> ip want to thank supervisor wiener and bree for her kind remarks. i ptd to thank you the board of supervisors for doing this honor of black history. i know we [inaudible] there are so many african americas here doing the service and living their lives in the city and county of san francisco and i think it is important to recognize people in this chamber where the public and see and know what...
Mar 10, 2014
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ip endpoint it was pretty clear to the folks in the industry that television was going to take over in significant ways. in the late 1940s when he took radio stars and brought them over to the network so he would have programming on television got going and because they were so profitable they underwrote version of development at that time before television was economically viable but that process was when they were sure the writing was on the wall. but by that point the radio industry had began to transform itself in these different institutions and entities such that in the final chapter in the 1930s the radio networks really wanted to cultivate this idea of the families sitting around the radio said in the evening and everybody listening but there's a recognition by the mid-1940s that many people have multiple radios starting to be regularly installed in cars teenagers were listening to. so it would later be thought about in the culture of the 1950s were operating in significant ways long before the actual network radio collapsed in the 1950s. >> how often has the radio been pronoun
ip endpoint it was pretty clear to the folks in the industry that television was going to take over in significant ways. in the late 1940s when he took radio stars and brought them over to the network so he would have programming on television got going and because they were so profitable they underwrote version of development at that time before television was economically viable but that process was when they were sure the writing was on the wall. but by that point the radio industry had...
Mar 30, 2014
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, and he is referring to the administration's intention to give over the corporation that gives out ip addresses, in essence, blakeman contends the u.s. will be giving up control of the internet. >> in essence, you say this is part of the president's strategy, and i'm quoting, appeasement and pandering. what do you mean by that? >> what i believe is that the united states thinks we have to apologize for our power. the fact is that america is the most free and open country, has made the internet available not just to americans but the world. >> the commerce department's long-standing contract with ican is set to expire, the plan is to have a new body but global in nature, supporters, which include businesses such as verizon, google, say the shift is long overdue. >> this is all about separating the internet from government control. and the united states is in the strongest position to argue against government control of the internet if it gives up that last little bit of control that it has. >> the obama administration argues that this is necessary because the internet now exists under
, and he is referring to the administration's intention to give over the corporation that gives out ip addresses, in essence, blakeman contends the u.s. will be giving up control of the internet. >> in essence, you say this is part of the president's strategy, and i'm quoting, appeasement and pandering. what do you mean by that? >> what i believe is that the united states thinks we have to apologize for our power. the fact is that america is the most free and open country, has made...
Mar 28, 2014
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the standard ip is 3% to 5%. the bankers aren't getting their cut. >>> facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg says facebook is working on ways to beam internet access to people from the sky. the connectively lab is building drones, lasers and his goal is to bring the internet to make affordable access to basic internet services available to every person in the world. >> and a week after blocking twitter, teshgky's government now shuts down youtube. turkey's prime minister announced the recording and people are launch ago political clock just days before local elections. voters will cast local ballots on sunday. >>> and microsoft's new ceo nadella is ushering in a new era and publishing a long awaited app for ipad users. >> the big news on thursday is that microsoft is finally launching its office for ipad. this is going to come with excel, powerpoint and word. we've seen it debuted in the apps store. following the event, apple's ceo tim cook weighing in with a tweet welcome to the ipad and apps store. this is how it will
the standard ip is 3% to 5%. the bankers aren't getting their cut. >>> facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg says facebook is working on ways to beam internet access to people from the sky. the connectively lab is building drones, lasers and his goal is to bring the internet to make affordable access to basic internet services available to every person in the world. >> and a week after blocking twitter, teshgky's government now shuts down youtube. turkey's prime minister announced the...
eye 26
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the monitoring of ip addresses by definition any kind of regime which would. criminalize noncommercial private serin of information by necessity requires a surveillance state because if tell you that if i tell you a joke and then i say you can share it when anyone and then for me to make sure that you're not sharing it with anyone i need to listen in on every conversation normally spired parties in opposition to the new rules and to almost any control over the web the freedom of the internet has long become a source of debate in different parts of the globe here in norway the science file sharing the latest piracy law and sport another issue in the spotlight how much control of the state have over the private lives of its citizens too much control so they had to stay with the police work. and ask for permission to do more steps are being taken to. trying to censor you know your conversations you know whether it's over the net or on the phone you know i think it's just something that's always been and it's just coming to light i think cameras in the streets tha
the monitoring of ip addresses by definition any kind of regime which would. criminalize noncommercial private serin of information by necessity requires a surveillance state because if tell you that if i tell you a joke and then i say you can share it when anyone and then for me to make sure that you're not sharing it with anyone i need to listen in on every conversation normally spired parties in opposition to the new rules and to almost any control over the web the freedom of the internet...
Mar 27, 2014
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microsoft has done a better job keeping product in supply, and new ip comes out like tighten did a couple weeks ago, they are strong system sellers. we see investment coming back strong in the consul industry. cheryl: the business growing and changing we have to diversify with the times. and walmart offering to bring in used games and walmart by food and other items at walmart but maybe not games. walmart news are you nervous about this move by major company like walmart? >> we double the lot of competition in the trade business for many years. this is just another example. and a strong vibrant growing business. awareness is very long customer base. getting people know you can't bring your own video games and trade them for new video games. it is a great business, it is very complicated. it is high service high touch environment. your associates want to know what they're looking for, they want to tell the customer what they can get. you have the inventory risk. you can't take this every game, you have to understand exactly what the game needs to have with that as well as you need to make
microsoft has done a better job keeping product in supply, and new ip comes out like tighten did a couple weeks ago, they are strong system sellers. we see investment coming back strong in the consul industry. cheryl: the business growing and changing we have to diversify with the times. and walmart offering to bring in used games and walmart by food and other items at walmart but maybe not games. walmart news are you nervous about this move by major company like walmart? >> we double the...
Mar 18, 2014
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[s, you ips, you put that in place and spend a lot on security -- you will still be at risk of being hacked. and you will be according to many analysts. and yes, whenever these things happen, the focus is always on the weakest link. we have to gain a mature approach to these kinds of situations and recognize that we are in a world where imperfect security may be -- we all agree that you will never bring it down to zero. we never felten says will. that approach has got to carry through in the way people react to these incidents when it occurs. the overreaction with an intense amount of pressure that is placed on company by the brand damage, by the cost of the litigation really makes -- there is a cost to that. it is great for lawyers but the companies themselves bear substantial responsibility. instead of striving toward reasonable security, you have to put more into it because you want to be -- because of the concern you will have that the brand damage if something goes wrong, the brand damage will be substantial. >> and just to extrapolate that, it sounds like security from the mark
[s, you ips, you put that in place and spend a lot on security -- you will still be at risk of being hacked. and you will be according to many analysts. and yes, whenever these things happen, the focus is always on the weakest link. we have to gain a mature approach to these kinds of situations and recognize that we are in a world where imperfect security may be -- we all agree that you will never bring it down to zero. we never felten says will. that approach has got to carry through in the...
eye 40
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way of a new legislation designed to combat online piracy the law allows big brother to tap into the ip address of anyone who downloads even a single file illegally critics say this opens the floodgates to an invasion of privacy as you got going off now investigates. for esther the internet has put her back in touch with her youth but could potentially put her behind bars so how many men. had first to listen to music and history books then start reading the news in the night as well and then one day i thought hey i can watch movies to this retirement home worker says over half of its residents now surf the net with old tunes and flicks as their favorite treats i think it's an enormous good thing to do because they remember a lot of things when they listen to things they listen to before when they were young there but besides browsing for fun pension years may want to look up online piracy laws since many may be breaking them without even knowing it according to norway's latest legislation downloading a single song may get users in trouble since it allows the free monitoring of ip addres
way of a new legislation designed to combat online piracy the law allows big brother to tap into the ip address of anyone who downloads even a single file illegally critics say this opens the floodgates to an invasion of privacy as you got going off now investigates. for esther the internet has put her back in touch with her youth but could potentially put her behind bars so how many men. had first to listen to music and history books then start reading the news in the night as well and then...
Mar 18, 2014
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now, i don't raise this to encourage the fcc to regulate vo ip under title ii, but rather to emphasize that the ongoing transition will continue to push difficult issues like this to the fore. given that the prescriptive ex-anti regulatory approach faces such difficulties, what's the alternative? for consumer protection and competition issues, i have significant experience operating within the model we use at the federal trade commission. the ftc model is quite different from the fcc's. instead of a siloed statute, section five charges the ftc to prevent and punish urn fair methods of competition and unfair or descent i have acts or practices. the act applies across all industries with a few exceptions. and where the fcc's regulations generally set the boundaries of what certain types of entities can do, the ftc's statute fences off deceptive and unfair practices for all entities but generally permits everything else. the ftc's process is an enforcement-centric rather than a rulemaking-centric one. and as such, it is ex post rather than exantiand case by case rather than one size fits
now, i don't raise this to encourage the fcc to regulate vo ip under title ii, but rather to emphasize that the ongoing transition will continue to push difficult issues like this to the fore. given that the prescriptive ex-anti regulatory approach faces such difficulties, what's the alternative? for consumer protection and competition issues, i have significant experience operating within the model we use at the federal trade commission. the ftc model is quite different from the fcc's. instead...
Mar 19, 2014
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so therefore their ip addresses don't show up in a general search. >> this case was tracked to a dark web network called tor. >>> following up to an nbc bay area exclusive. they spent taxpayer money on trips. and now they may pay some of it back. the oakland housing authority is auditing travel by its commissioners. we uncovered commissioners spent $150,000 on travel. in some case, double dipping, attending conferences with meals provided but pick up a daily meal stipend. and commissioners got paid twice. another commissioner flew to las vegas with no documentation of why he is there. changes have been made to the travel policy and records from the past three years are being audited. the audit should be completed in a couple months, the commissions who received extra money will be required to pay it back. if you have a tip for our investigative unit, give us a call or e-mail. >> right now at 11:00, unsettling claims after yesterday's strong earthquake in southern california. >>> the controversial practice that could have triggered the quake. >>> could it be a clue. the reported sighti
so therefore their ip addresses don't show up in a general search. >> this case was tracked to a dark web network called tor. >>> following up to an nbc bay area exclusive. they spent taxpayer money on trips. and now they may pay some of it back. the oakland housing authority is auditing travel by its commissioners. we uncovered commissioners spent $150,000 on travel. in some case, double dipping, attending conferences with meals provided but pick up a daily meal stipend. and...
Mar 16, 2014
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our goal is to be associated with high quality branded ip. >> that intellectual property has turned into a string of hits for disney and pixar. with each one making its debut at number one on opening weekend. when we come back, more on the man who is considered the creative adrenaline of pixar. >> everything i do in my life is because of walt disney and how he entertained me as a child and as a young adult growing up. ♪ >> in 2010, pixar released its crown jewel, "toy story 3," the highest grossing animated film ever. a title that still holds to this day, raking more than $1 billion. worldwide, pixar's 13 movies have grossed more than $7.8 billion. >> they've had success after success after success, so it is not a formula you want to tinker with. just let john lasseter run pixar. that is how they can be most creative in their own location. >> john lasseter, a kid at heart, continues to guide pixar in an iconoclastic spirit in his office full of toys. >> there is buzz here and rex and bo peep is there, and here is slinky and woody and the aliens and ham. behind the camera there, that is a
our goal is to be associated with high quality branded ip. >> that intellectual property has turned into a string of hits for disney and pixar. with each one making its debut at number one on opening weekend. when we come back, more on the man who is considered the creative adrenaline of pixar. >> everything i do in my life is because of walt disney and how he entertained me as a child and as a young adult growing up. ♪ >> in 2010, pixar released its crown jewel, "toy...
Mar 14, 2014
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determinÓ un juez federal y puede ser precedente para los in muy ip grants inmigrante en otros estadosda a nombre de ex convictos detenidos en washington. alegaron que inmigraciÓn los arrestÓ tiempo despuÉs de hacer su seso tenz y negaron la posibilidad de fianza. algo que segÚn la demanda solo se puede negar a inmigrantes que ice detiene inmediatamente despuÉs que han cumplido sus sentencias. un agente de la patrulla frons reza en texas. se suicidÓ luego de secuestrar y violar a 3 in migrantes el amentos atacÓ a 2 indocumentadas que son madre e hija y las dejÓ mal heredas y se llevÓ a la tercera vÍctima de 14 aÑos a su departamento donde la violÓ. luego de rescatar a la madre e hija. fueron a ese apartamento del antes que rescataron a la menor. >>> en un comunicado, la oficina de aduanas y protecciÓn fronteriza dijo que las 3 mujeres, se estÁn recuperando y que estÁn colaborando con la investigaciÓn >>> una nirn de de 8 aÑos apareciÓ muerta en un albergue pÚblica de ciudad juarez mÉxico. donde la llevaron tras ser rescatada. la encontraron colgada de un tubo del baÑo aparentemente se
determinÓ un juez federal y puede ser precedente para los in muy ip grants inmigrante en otros estadosda a nombre de ex convictos detenidos en washington. alegaron que inmigraciÓn los arrestÓ tiempo despuÉs de hacer su seso tenz y negaron la posibilidad de fianza. algo que segÚn la demanda solo se puede negar a inmigrantes que ice detiene inmediatamente despuÉs que han cumplido sus sentencias. un agente de la patrulla frons reza en texas. se suicidÓ luego de secuestrar y violar a 3 in...
Mar 9, 2014
eye 513
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that threatens the surveil of african elephants later this "sunday morning." >> if there is one place ip america that can claim to be the home of all that jazz, it's the surprisingly unchanged new orleans landmark that lesley stahl will be taking us to visit. >> that's an old trombone case. old clarinet case. >> it's not just the sign. everything at the new orleans preservation hall is old. you haven't changed it. renovated ever? >> we don't know where we would start or what we would do. you don't change something that's already perfect. >> later on "sunday morning" the preservation hall jazz band here where it all began in new orleans. >> elaine stritch has been wowing broadway audiences for more than two-thirds of a century now. as you'll see she can still more than hold her own with a television interviewer like me. >> what do you think when you look at that? >> i'm pretty hot stuff. >> at 89 elaine stritch remains as brassy and bold as she ever was. >> are you married? >> i am, yes. >> oh, shoot. >> our conversation with the broadway legend as her life now hits the big screen, a litt
that threatens the surveil of african elephants later this "sunday morning." >> if there is one place ip america that can claim to be the home of all that jazz, it's the surprisingly unchanged new orleans landmark that lesley stahl will be taking us to visit. >> that's an old trombone case. old clarinet case. >> it's not just the sign. everything at the new orleans preservation hall is old. you haven't changed it. renovated ever? >> we don't know where we would...
Mar 10, 2014
eye 336
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the new government coming ip, tossing out yanokovich to move further. >> this is extension of nato expanding where they feel very hemmed in, he's on the back foot in that sense feels quite threatened and comes particular pone meant. this is politics at home. never been more popular since 2012. >> i think it's interesting here because we tend to brush aside the financial crisis. but capitalism in so many ways is at manages' sharpest weapon and cool. when it comes to sanctions, when they say, look what's happening to the markets right now and they can't afford ukraine to implode. >> rose: interesting point to jim jones made point about energy. we do have new weapons at our disposal to use. and if in fact they can rally the nato countries they have better and more effective weapon. people expressed some misgivings whether they are prepared to do that. >> we're on a different page in europe. because they're tied in to russian economy that we're not. >> rose: we'll be right back. stay with us. >> rose: thank you to you all. that the it for us. bob schieffer will be back. i'm charlie rose. be sure
the new government coming ip, tossing out yanokovich to move further. >> this is extension of nato expanding where they feel very hemmed in, he's on the back foot in that sense feels quite threatened and comes particular pone meant. this is politics at home. never been more popular since 2012. >> i think it's interesting here because we tend to brush aside the financial crisis. but capitalism in so many ways is at manages' sharpest weapon and cool. when it comes to sanctions, when...
Mar 6, 2014
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>> we have a company that can make cars and parts of those parts ip our state. >> with regard to the specifics of the nep i would hope that there are a number of things where it is the tax credits, nep, there are a range of things that are focused on promoting that. >> thank you. >> okay. you have five minutes early. this is your first day testifying. you had budget this morning. >> i have ddid. >> i appreciate your service. >> thank you for coming. please get back to the members in writing that which you have committed to and this hearing aajourped. >> thank you mr. chairman, thank you. anyone who is watching at home, you deserve to know where your elected officials are. just ask them. do you support raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. if they say yes, say thanks. great job. meeting courage and too, elected officials. if they say no, you should be polite but you should say why not? ask them to reconsider. ask them to side with the majority of americans instead of saying no for once, say yes. it is time for $10.10, time to give america a raise. [applause] i want to close by s
>> we have a company that can make cars and parts of those parts ip our state. >> with regard to the specifics of the nep i would hope that there are a number of things where it is the tax credits, nep, there are a range of things that are focused on promoting that. >> thank you. >> okay. you have five minutes early. this is your first day testifying. you had budget this morning. >> i have ddid. >> i appreciate your service. >> thank you for coming....
Mar 5, 2014
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. >> thank you very much, and ip want you to hang on for a second, because we now have video of that incident that is causing so much commotion right now. it is the video from reuters concerning the un envoy who was seized outside of a cafe. take a look. there is no audio with this tape, but you can see the person there -- nick schifrin, we are seeing what you saw. it appears to me that there are people blocking the door, and i'm assuming that that is the un envoy on other side of the door. >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly right, del. what it looks like is men in uniform, half a dozen of them or so, outside of this cafe, inside, robert sarey, the un special representative, and all of a sudden a pro-russian crowd, which apparently we're looking at now shows up. they created a corridor for him to leave, and the members of those men -- or the men in those uniforms outside of the cafe then took him from the cafe, and put him in the car. we don't know where he's going, but apparently there is a progression of tweets -- or report from some of the people he was with, that he is being drive
. >> thank you very much, and ip want you to hang on for a second, because we now have video of that incident that is causing so much commotion right now. it is the video from reuters concerning the un envoy who was seized outside of a cafe. take a look. there is no audio with this tape, but you can see the person there -- nick schifrin, we are seeing what you saw. it appears to me that there are people blocking the door, and i'm assuming that that is the un envoy on other side of the...
Mar 29, 2014
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won't go into a puppy in india bcci and beauty in jars to the conclusion of the seventh season of the ip and that begins next month the court's decision was in response to his meeting with the squad sixteen and eighteen during the six utc on the idea that the court on tuesday sought the response of the bcci on the sixteenth of conducting its investigation the keys the bcci in korea the same the blog to keep in mind into force in the ten meters with a cool idea though missed a sitter us and for what this judge the activities of the president off the bcci on someone else but this just those activities by the time being. this was the proposal which has given and right into the water yesterday by the bcci. although to be his day and then not seeing the same. these would go to the supreme being. the song was used to be part of the city season the heat this nineteen fourteen s even be seen begging to do investigations. lawson has been facing legal action in this instance an email. it's a good fifteen minutes of pickings on youtube. not for me i was in a statement on to so he didn't think getti
won't go into a puppy in india bcci and beauty in jars to the conclusion of the seventh season of the ip and that begins next month the court's decision was in response to his meeting with the squad sixteen and eighteen during the six utc on the idea that the court on tuesday sought the response of the bcci on the sixteenth of conducting its investigation the keys the bcci in korea the same the blog to keep in mind into force in the ten meters with a cool idea though missed a sitter us and for...
Mar 20, 2014
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naval inventory and in the inventory of allied nations, ipped cluing, as -- including, as mentioned, australia and new zealand. they are used primarily for hunting submarines. they have cameras, magnetic detectors and such, designed to detect submarines that are trying to hide from them. spotting debris on the surface of the ocean, even if visited outside a range, infrared et cetera, should be a straight forward operation. also, one of the assets deployed, the p8 orion is basically the 21st century version of the p3 orion, capable, can stay on satisfaction for longer and has more advanced electronic and detection systems. >> when e with talk about the search -- when we talk about the search, we are talking about in the middle of indian ocean. what could the objects be? >> as mentioned before, when objects were spotted in the south china sea, they were sea trash, flot sam and jet sam from passing ships, confused for airport parts. that's a problem around the world. debris falling off ships, sunkan vessels. some can float on the surface for years. it's possible that the objects could,
naval inventory and in the inventory of allied nations, ipped cluing, as -- including, as mentioned, australia and new zealand. they are used primarily for hunting submarines. they have cameras, magnetic detectors and such, designed to detect submarines that are trying to hide from them. spotting debris on the surface of the ocean, even if visited outside a range, infrared et cetera, should be a straight forward operation. also, one of the assets deployed, the p8 orion is basically the 21st...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 26, 2014
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the appellant's assertion that [speaker not understood] would ip crease the [speaker not understood] wealth land complex is incorrect. [speaker not understood]. the appellants have said [speaker not understood] 2b is not enforceable. [speaker not understood]. this is not correct. first, the [speaker not understood] was approved by public hearing by park and rec commission january 23rd, 2014. and the commission adopted the mitigation monitoring and reporting program for mmip. ~ for the project as additional project approval. san francisco recreation and parks department and the planning department, city departments are themselves appropriately -- appropriate regulatory bodies in the c-e-q-a to ensure that mmlp is fully enforceable. as for the appellant's assertion, it must be considered as part of the environmental review for the project. let me first clarify it is the planning department that conducted the environmental review for the project and not the rec and park department and determined that the -- any old terms not required under c-e-q-a for the project. however, this does not
the appellant's assertion that [speaker not understood] would ip crease the [speaker not understood] wealth land complex is incorrect. [speaker not understood]. the appellants have said [speaker not understood] 2b is not enforceable. [speaker not understood]. this is not correct. first, the [speaker not understood] was approved by public hearing by park and rec commission january 23rd, 2014. and the commission adopted the mitigation monitoring and reporting program for mmip. ~ for the project...
Mar 12, 2014
eye 175
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has ion spider-me to -- >> our producer eric schultz speaks for us all when he says tom roberts has ip greatly expand my -- then we have another viewer that said thomas has inspeared me to go out and buy some burgers. those are his favorite. >> this is my favorite >>> thanks, everyone, for a great show. "morning joe" starts right now. >>> so how does this work? do you send ambassador rodman to n north korea? i read you'd be sending hulk hogan? or is that going to be tonya harding? >> what was it like to talk to the last president? >> it must stink you can't run thre
has ion spider-me to -- >> our producer eric schultz speaks for us all when he says tom roberts has ip greatly expand my -- then we have another viewer that said thomas has inspeared me to go out and buy some burgers. those are his favorite. >> this is my favorite >>> thanks, everyone, for a great show. "morning joe" starts right now. >>> so how does this work? do you send ambassador rodman to n north korea? i read you'd be sending hulk hogan? or is that...
Mar 3, 2014
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so by the end point of that process, you should see a full ip cent of about four-tenths of a percent of gdp in u.s. output as a result of the tpp. ..
so by the end point of that process, you should see a full ip cent of about four-tenths of a percent of gdp in u.s. output as a result of the tpp. ..
Mar 11, 2014
eye 125
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any tcp ip been made on screens. four days late in the sector saying is being expanded to one hundred nautical miles around the plane's last name vacation and rescue teams they even and the witches of nature's ways to taste. in case the plane and back previous reports of a life raft in a suspected oil slick it turned out to be false leads. meanwhile chinese relatives of missing passengers flying to the nation's leading anxiously for news is it's a little sun information in the nation of thirty say that considering the air inside the nation's for the plane's disappearance until some wreckage was found. it was three years ago today that a magnitude nine earthquake hit northeastern japan an earthquake that triggered the tsunami that had been due to accident and his team of three is on tens of thousands of people have still not been able to return home. those outside the tent as i continue to live in fear of radiation. even as the country marks the tragic anniversary the japanese government is having to restart some of t
any tcp ip been made on screens. four days late in the sector saying is being expanded to one hundred nautical miles around the plane's last name vacation and rescue teams they even and the witches of nature's ways to taste. in case the plane and back previous reports of a life raft in a suspected oil slick it turned out to be false leads. meanwhile chinese relatives of missing passengers flying to the nation's leading anxiously for news is it's a little sun information in the nation of thirty...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 23, 2014
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clearly can see the construction and the debris sitting around and as far as windows, they, i don't know, ip not a window repairman, but i can tell that this is just putting the putty in the corner and planning to paint it over, regarding the fixing of the shower, clearly mold, grout, missing, stuff like that, so this is what their newly renovated shower looks like. they are appealing the decision that the dbi made in december if i have and this it was here 30 days go saying that they stood by that decision and we are not here today to say that we want to give them another 30 days to finish it out and looking at this stall tactics yesterday when they would not let the inspector in and instead showing up with the photographs, at his office, today and kind of indicates that they that is all that i have to say. >> thank you. >> this is the unit that we are discussing, is in the sole position of mr. clammer and i do not represent them and through the process, because they own the property. they don't have the right of possession and so i am here to tell you that my clients are interested in seei
clearly can see the construction and the debris sitting around and as far as windows, they, i don't know, ip not a window repairman, but i can tell that this is just putting the putty in the corner and planning to paint it over, regarding the fixing of the shower, clearly mold, grout, missing, stuff like that, so this is what their newly renovated shower looks like. they are appealing the decision that the dbi made in december if i have and this it was here 30 days go saying that they stood by...
Mar 19, 2014
eye 113
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implementation of their cycling and running applications on the ip and buy one. skelton said its scope. many tonnes of material every day. we recycle compost. most of the chair of the lexus that likes to mess me sort it out using a lot of technologies because at this address is below. and here. at one point two million tonnes of paper are for this save twenty million three years. which comes in a neighborhood collection trucks they deposited at the recycling and then it goes up the conveyor belt is a consort it was all mixed together bottles and paper plastic metal. the sword in its sixteen different commodity because these are resources they can be made into new products. every city in the united states replicated on a selective program we can offset twenty percent of america's heartland. are the inch worm farm i bit into the midst of she did not stop the bullet on business and if that wasn't the deeds of trust in the isle of grain topic even like the new commander of the division if i'm going to kick off in that country the state in india want to be it's about
implementation of their cycling and running applications on the ip and buy one. skelton said its scope. many tonnes of material every day. we recycle compost. most of the chair of the lexus that likes to mess me sort it out using a lot of technologies because at this address is below. and here. at one point two million tonnes of paper are for this save twenty million three years. which comes in a neighborhood collection trucks they deposited at the recycling and then it goes up the conveyor...
Mar 7, 2014
eye 118
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he's put it on my plate is the season was one of the most high who played his link on so it is the ip options this season the victim to get there i admitted that he did not see him says is that it could be full of keys each he said he stood atop the idea of going home and as it gives us pause wasn't that awesome before his death in people lose. our momentum going in the meantime really upping its concluding cricket. he had ever won guys hope to expand testing. i'm in a good point when he would kick starting. lucy still up and get the cricket. the new season on the icc cricket league cup is to deal with the team finishing fourteenth and must read in line and the choice to be hosted by australia and new zealand cricket is to teach anyone to feel a fuss for this. all the fighting will often clashing want to give parents and aunt bought this on effect explore new horizons on the third best grain they can look at what's next for the two neighbors the mini he thought it was a bit. max does at all. so to speak it is a delicacy of the states due to end the practice thus you can see the interc
he's put it on my plate is the season was one of the most high who played his link on so it is the ip options this season the victim to get there i admitted that he did not see him says is that it could be full of keys each he said he stood atop the idea of going home and as it gives us pause wasn't that awesome before his death in people lose. our momentum going in the meantime really upping its concluding cricket. he had ever won guys hope to expand testing. i'm in a good point when he would...
Mar 8, 2014
eye 194
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you really paying attention to whether you're watching a broadcast network or a cable network or an ip-delivered piece of content like "house of card "on netflix? not really. >> reporter: rothen berg believes advertisers will reach a point where they don't care, either. >> the medium is global from the get-go so if you're a professional creator of contents that's very tantalizing. >> reporter: tantalizing and stienlsn sometimes nerve-wracking. >> millions of dollars invested in those shows and coming out of the show. >> reporter: their formula, big stars with lots of social media followers. it's worked for projects with lebron, jennifer lopez, and the internationally acclaimed dj guesto. their new show comedian jay mohr "money where your mouth is." a good reason for goodman and masterson to believe. >> if it's a profitable business where does it go from here? how does the business that we're creating turn into a more mature business that yields more volume? >> wise up. >> wise up indeed. those characters in the lebrons came from a series of nike commercials. that show had a single sponsor, nike,
you really paying attention to whether you're watching a broadcast network or a cable network or an ip-delivered piece of content like "house of card "on netflix? not really. >> reporter: rothen berg believes advertisers will reach a point where they don't care, either. >> the medium is global from the get-go so if you're a professional creator of contents that's very tantalizing. >> reporter: tantalizing and stienlsn sometimes nerve-wracking. >> millions of...
Mar 26, 2014
eye 50
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this resulted in the sixth season of teens and twenty one ip and meant it as including former he did the same as the sun was a message for match fixing investigation was opened on the involvement of one this included the team during the tournament. team principal amount in a super kings player but mostly to rested for the theme the team is also in bishan monson. cornell frogs conference has also accused of painting. i appointed than in actually the names of the jewel from the scan didn't cite the lack of evidence against them supreme court appointed committee in its report last month at how i was a bad day morning was not investigated properly. the court could again take up the keys this week. the western body of a female relax in the town was a comedy nor preston pockets on sky but uncle chua on monday. send the product was adopted on command from him fish domenech on sunday. that includes unlimited quantity of the cia was looking to find that the buds off the province's captain. he wants yet done with the county teams and they couldn't beat the top. i'm gonna buy into the team if w
this resulted in the sixth season of teens and twenty one ip and meant it as including former he did the same as the sun was a message for match fixing investigation was opened on the involvement of one this included the team during the tournament. team principal amount in a super kings player but mostly to rested for the theme the team is also in bishan monson. cornell frogs conference has also accused of painting. i appointed than in actually the names of the jewel from the scan didn't cite...
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Mar 19, 2014
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. ~ thank as time goes on, what i'm getting at is these costs are only going to ip crease and it's looking, accord to our best scientists, they're going to increase at dollar levels ~ we simply will not be able to fund. so, we're looking at essentially a bankrupt public sector as our infrastructure faces the brunt of all of our planetary physical forces he. i think it's very important that we think not just in one or five-year range, but that we think about the fact that this is inevitable even if we stop emitting today. and we need to start thinking about how we are going to get through that. i think it's very clear that with all of this damage coming resiliency is very important. and if we have our own local electrical infrastructure generating and delivering to customers, that would keep us [inaudible]. >> thank you. any other member of the public who would like to comment? and seeing none, we'll close public comment. [gavel] >> and we can go on to our next item. >> item number 6 is an update on request for proposals to provide build out strategy and plan for cleanpowersf program (energ
. ~ thank as time goes on, what i'm getting at is these costs are only going to ip crease and it's looking, accord to our best scientists, they're going to increase at dollar levels ~ we simply will not be able to fund. so, we're looking at essentially a bankrupt public sector as our infrastructure faces the brunt of all of our planetary physical forces he. i think it's very important that we think not just in one or five-year range, but that we think about the fact that this is inevitable even...