. >> people who oppose prioritization should take a look at the r'ternet header, the ipv foreheader.is the magic that makes the internet work. there's something called the type of service flag. that's different service classes really for high bandwidth services, low latency services, different forms of prioritization. that was designed for the internet from the beginning. people say, oh, that's just an old artifact. they not only kept that field, they actually included another field called label field to do another form of prioritization quality service. õáz if you look at the engineering design to suggest that this was never intended, prioritization was never intended to be allowed, i think a little engineering knowledge goes a lont way. it's a design feature of the network from the beginning, and if you talk to the way people are actually using the network, they're using it today to deliver, for example, voice services. we've all called on skype and been fruáu)ated. the true, completely ip-based voice service to your phone is called voiceover lte. all uses prioritization. the only