all of us know very well that iranslamic revolution of was not only a political revolution, although it is closely linked to politics. however, the key point is morality and ethics. morality has always taken precedence over politics. through islamic to, artistically speaking, past the revolution -- pass the revolution through vengeance and hatred. m had not beenam able to do that, our country would have been gripped by civil war. it is the people, through the guidance of the late imam k gunsni, who put flowers on and showed how attractive a revolution can be. a revolution can guide everybody on a path to righteousness and justice. our revolution was based on ethics, peace. it was a peaceful revolution without any grudge or vengeance or violence. is theigion of islam messenger of justice, moderation, kindness, and fraternity for all mankind. people, during the revolution era, in order to stabilize the revolution in the post-revolution era, they stood up to foreign aggression. they were victimized. they sacrificed. d forpeople were martyre the sake of revolution. years, hadhich, for us