senators and representatives working castro in iraq swalwell will now show the evidence of president trumps a long campaign to de litigious de legitimizes electoral defeat and to galvanize his supporters to help him retain his power at any cost so we're going to go at this point step by step and explain the progression all the way up until the attack . good afternoon y'all my name is walking goss through i represent san antonio in the united states congress there's a saying that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth as a chance to put on its shoes that was before the internet the point of that saying is that a lie can do incredible damage and destruction and that's especially true when that lie is told by the most powerful person on earth our commander in chief the president of the united states this attack did not come from one speech and it didn't happen by accident the evidence shows clearly that this mob was provoked over many months by donald j. trump and if you look at the evidence his purposeful conduct. you'll see that the attack was forseeable and preven