, iraqi national congress, excuse me. which, of course, was never going to happen and didn't happen. and when he got there, he didn't have any base of support, but he did have the americans, and he was able to leverage that. but he was, he was as much running us as, and the israelis, as we were running him. the one thing that wasn't happening is that we weren't getting the best intelligence and the best advice. so as a result and an example of the outrage of this is the fallujah campaign. you know, there was a lot of -- first there were some contractors kill inside fallujah, then there were a lot of american marines killed in fallujah, and it was unnecessary. because as general petraeus would eventually show, if you do business with the sunnis and you try to make deals with them, you can. but this isn't conjecture because before the war -- and it's in the book -- there was a contact made by the head of of the fallujah clan, probably one of the most important clans in iraq who was in germany for medical treatment. contacte