this time, by deciding to exit his position in that company after he had a spat with its ceo, irene rosenfeld bought after the news broke that buffett had sold, which was a well-covered event, you caught a terrific bargain as kraft went on to break itself up to create value for shareholders. so you really need to take those 13f filings, now widely talked about and acted upon, with a grain of salt. if you like a stock that a big-name investor is selling and you've done your homework and you have conviction, if anything, you might even want to use that weakness to buy more of the stock. by the same token, you should never buy a stock just because some money manager you respect surfaces in these reports as having taken a position. they're a-month-old by the time you see them and it's a snapshot, and at that very moment he could have trimmed has position the next day. you have no idea. a fund i admired took a monster stake in freeport mcmoran. i knew the fund did superb work. i knew they had an excellent track record so i decided to piggyback off their efforts to buy freeport, a stock i'd been de