irina galchuk was 33 years old, this trip to the mountains was the first and last in her life.t fire. after she and her mother visited at the foot of the caucasus mountains. here is what irina wrote then on social networks. a post of love to the person who introduced me to the caucasus, who without pangs of conscience ate pies, khachapuri and khychin with me, my mother, my most beloved person close and dear to me, my girlfriend. thank you. the artist elena nesterova and st. petersburg went on an ascent together with her husband artem for this, the spouses were preparing for this campaign. for almost a year they were actively involved in sports, but they were powerless against the elements elena died of hypothermia her husband ended up in a hospital bed another deceased vyacheslav borisov he is the only one from tyumen from the group. who has already been to elbrus, this trip was the second attempt to climb to the top. here is what his wife yulia says a few years ago, that is, not professionally simple. that you pulled him there, that is, he wanted the mountain to allow him to c