irina materanskaya, channel a variety of ways, usefully, for example, going to the theater or a concert, especially since there are a lot of offers, take it and go. but, unfortunately, crooks also don’t sleep during the holidays, but not people, they need money. lets in opportunities to make money on our inattention. so, where should we go tonight? during the holidays, tickets for concerts, plays, and stand-ups sell out very quickly. and, by the way, swindlers have also learned to make money from this. they create clone websites, very similar to theater accounts, for example, and sell fake tickets, and scammers sometimes offer them 40 percent cheaper than officially. here, for example, is a very suspicious proposal: how to avoid falling into such a trap? we check the so-called domain name, right here in the address bar of the browser. if it is very similar with only one number or letter different from the official account, then it is definitely a scammer. what else? don't be fooled by ticking timers that push