irina rudnitskaya has been consciously arranging evening stair marathons for herself for 3 years now.e, it's a stress reliever. i go up three times 25 all the accumulated negative energy is leaving me in the appendage of negative energy. irina shed a few extra kilos, and her legs gradually became so hardy that in order to achieve and tire irina has to overcome at least one and a half thousand steps, now and then she speeds up the tempo earlier, when i went up to the 25th floor. it was very difficult for me. i wanted to stand to catch my breath to come to my senses now a lot. now i have the weights back. a backpack with things as an additional load such a good training effect from climbing stairs explains the very mechanics of movement, which allows you to simultaneously include the largest muscles of the legs, quadriceps and buttocks, as soon as we start climbing the stairs, then each limb in turn has to push the body up against the forces of gravity, of course, the muscles begin to experience a greater load, more blood is required more oxygen. in terms of energy costs. even calmly cl