. >> just days before our shoot, inmate iris white had completed a 3 1/2 year shu term, and had been allowed to return to the shu to finish his work on the script. now he gets to join this group of general population inmates, who will bring the script to life. >> it was really funny, because some of the inmates were playing witches in macbeth, kind of dancing around, these big old guys, big, dangerous, scary-looking guys going whoo! [ laughter ] >> an all-male cast is something we need to get accustomed to. we're not used to it. the population isn't used to seeing them playing women, and yet that's the way shakespeare's plays were originally done. >> you have overstepped your authority. it is i, hecatie, with an awesome sight. bow down and acknowledge my might. it has by magical words i shall give the illusions of spirits with much nerve -- >> as the actors were performing, i looked over my shoulder and i noticed iris was silently reciting every word of the play. so i just focused the camera on him and i thought it was pretty cool that he was getting to see his own words come to life