they even drew cartoons depicting the irish as appes. s offensive to irish people and two because it's just laz eevment you can't take the thing you call black people and use it on the irish. that's racist appropriation. (applause) that's lazy. and it wasn't just the irish. in american history all sorts of foreigners were said to be destroying the country, chinese people, russians, germans, italian. and the lines were the same. they're bringing crime, they're bringing rapists, in fact, back in the day americans thought of italy as the shithole country. which look, i understand. i mean i don't know if you have ever been there but i've been and the streets are flooded, the buildings are falling apart. i fell like i was on a unicef tour, i was like come on, man. but the truth is though, truth is, italian americans just like other groups, that came here, they did assimilate. every group can assimilate. they learn skills. they made rocky. they became valuable members of society. and are there bad apples, of course there are bad apples. but tha