. -- iroquois confederacy. there were various missionaries, explorers, soldiers coming into this area. they were the first to notice the salt brine as far as europeans. the significance of salt brining around the lake was noted very early on during the colonial period. it did not get a chance to be exploited until after the american revolution, when a variety of different treaties concentrated local native people to territory south of the lake. the state took ownership of the shore around the lake, so that it could be developed commercially for salt production. the state-controlled the land, they controlled the sources of brine through the drilling of ells and so forth. manufacturing was actually in the hands of private individuals. it started into the early 19th century. the biggest problem they had was transportation, getting this out to market. it would eventually lead to the completion and construction of the canal. the people who were involved in salt manufacturing here in the syracuse area realized that a