yuliana is the initiator of the project, the irpinsky lyceum took an interest in her two years ago, andce then the work has been boiling. in the implementation of her fund energy. helped by international partners, german bsw solar and participating companies, officials of the federal republic of germany, deputy federal chancellor and federal minister of economy and climate protection robert habeck and member of the board of directors of the european solar association jorch ebel. such initiatives, they believe, can become a real salvation for the new ukrainian energy system. buildings in kyiv have the same flat roofs as this building. i want to say, what we see here on school roofs should not stay only here on school roofs. this can actually become part of the puzzle of restoring energy supply in ukraine in a decentralized way. it's just, unfortunately, much easier to attack one power plant than 1000 or 10 thousand different roofs where decentralized generation systems are located. the solar supports ukraine initiative is aimed at using the power of solar energy to restore communities th