the-- whether the irs staffing is high or low does not deck tate dictate whether our taxes are high or low. all the irs is responsible for collecting the taxes enacted by congress and right now we run about a $700 billion deficit each year in terms of what is owed versus what is paid. and in this way, the way the op-ed is set up, in particular because our understanding is many members of the doge are coming in from the private sector with private sector experience, we're basically saying, let's ask all the ceo's. >> the senate is gavelling in to consider the nomination of todd blanch to be deputy attorney general. also on the agenda today legislation to repeal a biden administration rule on digital consumer payment applications like venmo and paypal. live coverage of the senate here on c-span2. ... the president pro tempore: the senate will come to order. the chaplain, dr. black, will lead the senate in prayer. the chaplain: let us pray. holy one, who expresses your love to us each day, shower us with your mercy so that we may rejoice and be glad. may the gift of your presence be more