. >>> admission irsack guya. >> i guess i have the opposite view i would like tope people come ow and say three years from now you did adopt the plan and why are you changing it. >>> commissioner hillis. >> i think taking out things like intensity of activities in the objective 1.5, i mean could get to some of the points being raised and may be to leaning in one direction but i think may be recognizing the fact that this study is ongoing is important. >> commissioners thanks motion in the second to adopt the central corridor resolution and omitting the staff language and replacing it with simply acknowledging a process is under way. >> on that motion antonini. >>> no. >> borden no. >> hillis no. >> moore, aye, sag guy eye aye, commissioner wua commission irfong. >> no. >> that motion fails admissioner three to four with commissioners antonini, borden and hillis and fong voting against. >> commissioner apt knee knee. >>> i would like make a motion to support the new language for western sonoma area plan dealing with the central corridor and i think we are leaving out the word "appropri