as for galareh she never even met ali irsan.she talked before she. thought >> investigators found out that one of ali irsan's car was near the galareh crime scene. so that got ali irsan indicted for the crime, in addition to the fraud charges. they still didn't have quite enough evidence to add on to the murder of coty beavers. so surveillance at the ali irsan home continued. that is would eventually produced a critical piece of evidence. >> one of our surveillance teams contacted me and they informed me that they had observed to have all these son accepting an area of the roof line of the halls which they believed was a hidden forensics>> -- killed. >> and so that got kherson indicted for her murder in addition to the fraud charges. they still did not have quite enough evidence to add on the murder of cory. so surveillance of the home continued. and that is what eventually produced a critical piece of evidence. >> one of our surveillance teams contacted me. and they informed me that they had observed to have alleys sons. access