irving kristol." so that kind of thing has happened, and even feminists, by the way, tend to do that when they want to be critical of me. they identify me very carefully as "the wife of" or these days -- more often "the mother of." c-span: your son, william kristol, was an aide to bill bennett, he was a chief of staff to dan quayle, and now he's kind of on his own out there. >> guest: on his own, right. c-span: did you notice when he started to really take all this politics stuff seriously in his life? >> guest: even retrospectively i find it hard to understand. i certainly would never have predicted it. he was very much an intellectual, a scholar. i assumed that he'd stay in the academy all of his life, that he'd do very serious, very profound books about political philosophy or whatever, and i thought when he first came to washington to work for bill bennett, i thought, that's a nice reprieve from academic life, but it wouldn't last long, i thought, instead of which he turned out to be enormously in